Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparing Picasso And Van Gogh - 1472 Words

In this essay, I will be comparing and contrasting artists Pablo Picasso and Van Gogh, considering their intentions with their artwork. Van Gogh and Picasso two of the most famous artists out there and still are to this day. Uncountable books have been published and dedicated to them and their lives and careers of being true artist. Their art has changed the way people view things and the world around them. Vincent van Gogh was one of many artists who self taught himself, who transformed the appearance of Post-Impressionism incessantly. His main focuses were his paintings, which he mostly painted in oil mediums. In his time, he has produced lot of paintings, most of which were of cityscapes, figure and landscape scenery. Unlike Pablo†¦show more content†¦The painting shows five women naked with flat figures, disintegrated planes and faces, inspired by African masks. The compacted space the figures occupy appears to project forward in jagged shards; a fiercely pointed slice of melon in the still life of fruit at the bottom of the composition teeters on an impossibly upturned table top. In this painting, Picasso makes a radical departure from traditional European painting by adaptation of Primitivism and abandonment of perspective in goodwill of a level two-dimensional picture of a plane. On the other hand, Vincent van Gogh did not do any cubism work during his time as an artist, however, had more of an interest in drawing. Pablo Picasso had an interest in drawing too, but unlike his work, Vincent van Gogh’s drawings are appreciated without the need for bright colours, drawings such as his depiction of figures, light and landscape. Van Gogh drew using a lot of different media, such as chalks, red pen and charcoal, although he often mixed mediums as well when it came to drawing. He drew on not just paper, but a variety of paper types, and materials. However, Van Gogh’s methods of ‘drawing’ are very different to Pablo Picasso’s. Pablo Picasso’s way of drawing can be seen as very different and rather similar at the same time compared to Vincent Van Gogh’s method. Drawing allowed van Gogh to capture light and images more quickly than with painting andShow MoreRelatedComparing Matisse Picasso And Van Gogh1463 Words   |  6 PagesTo compare and contrast artists Pablo Picasso and Van Gogh, and to consider their intentions with their artwork. In this essay, I will be comparing and contrasting artists Pablo Picasso and Van Gogh, considering their intentions with their artwork. Van Gogh and Picasso two of the most famous artists out there and still are to this day. Uncountable books have been published and dedicated to them and their lives and careers of being true artist. 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